Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reasons for retained primary teeth

what are the three reasons for retained primary teeth?

o   1- there may be no permanent successor
§  Therefore, the tooth remains
o   2-there may be ankylosis of the primary tooth
§  A condition in which the alveolar crest of bone fuses in the cervical area with the cementum of a resorbing root
§  All the root may have been resorbed, the tooth remains firmly in place, preventing the permanent tooth belwo form erupting
§  May be for years, and yet when the ankylosed tooth is removed, the permanent tooth with begin to erupt
o   3-the permanent tooth does nto erupt in its normal position and therefore does not cause resoprtion of the primary tooth root/s and the tooth remains
§  Frequently seen in the anterior mandibular area
·         Permanent teeth erupt apically, rather than apically and labially
·         Both sets of anterior teeth will be seen


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