Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just keep swimming!!

Two more days of finals!!!... just keep swimming (studying), swimming (studying), swimming (studying), what do we do we swim (study!)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nutritional Counseling

Just doing some Preventive studying and clicked on the link for this video. Pizza. Is anyone else craving it as you slave away studying?????

Friday, August 12, 2011

I've heard lots of talk around the class about different work-outs people have been doing; renewing their membership at Gold's, Insanity, p90x, etc.... but here is an excellent work out, that not only works out your arms, but educates:

Saturday, July 30, 2011


What does the hygienist of the year get?

A little plaque 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reasons for retained primary teeth

what are the three reasons for retained primary teeth?

o   1- there may be no permanent successor
§  Therefore, the tooth remains
o   2-there may be ankylosis of the primary tooth
§  A condition in which the alveolar crest of bone fuses in the cervical area with the cementum of a resorbing root
§  All the root may have been resorbed, the tooth remains firmly in place, preventing the permanent tooth belwo form erupting
§  May be for years, and yet when the ankylosed tooth is removed, the permanent tooth with begin to erupt
o   3-the permanent tooth does nto erupt in its normal position and therefore does not cause resoprtion of the primary tooth root/s and the tooth remains
§  Frequently seen in the anterior mandibular area
·         Permanent teeth erupt apically, rather than apically and labially
·         Both sets of anterior teeth will be seen


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Embryo Midterm!

Embryo midterm this thursday. Don't forget!

Here is some pictures from this week: if you have any pics, email them to lauren.wutzke@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nitrous Party with Chenoweth!

I love this! Kristin Chenoweth is so funny!
**IOs 18 due tomorrow. Also check out the new Mutterer Moment quotes up top!
****ANNNNNND check out the adorable blogs of our classmates

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Don't Forget!

I'm sure we all had a fun time today with the pink tablets! Don't forget to brush and floss!
Also, tomorrow we are starting to explore on the typodonts, we had an assignment due for embryo & a quiz, and no quiz in morph.
One more day to go till the end of the week! wooooooo

Scaling Greatness!

Class of 2012!